Client Story: Kendall's Journey From Disordered Eating to Finding Food Freedom & Breaking Generational Patterns


Today, I'm excited to share a transformative journey that will inspire many of you. On the podcast I was joined by a special guest, Kendall, a past client and a dear friend who has bravely battled her food and body image issues to find her path to food freedom. In this podcast episode, she shares her journey of overcoming disordered eating body image issues, her identity as "the fit and healthy person" and finding herself through it all. Kendall discusses her experiences with Weight Watchers, and the importance of her decision to work with me in her healing process. She emphasizes the importance of trust, listening to her body's cues, and embracing her true self through her journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance. .

Time stamps

[00:02:56] Early body image experiences - Kendall discusses how being called fat in grade seven started her struggles with body image and how it affected her self-perception.

[00:05:58] Gaining weight after a stroke - Kendall shares her experience of gaining weight after having a stroke and how it impacted her body image and mental health.

[00:07:57] Introduction to Weight Watchers - Kendall talks about how she was introduced to Weight Watchers and how it influenced her approach to eating and exercise.

[00:09:57] - The validation of weight loss - she shares about feeling proud of herself when she lost weight and how it motivated her to work harder, but also how weight loss became a way for her to gain control over her life after experiencing a major health scare.

[00:18:38] Taking steps forward - Kendall shares about the moment when she decided to work with Brittany and invest in herself, despite her doubts and struggles with shame and guilt. She discusses the importance of trusting Brittany and the process of working together, even when she didn't trust herself, and how it led to her learning to trust herself and her body.

[00:26:21] The importance of deep healing - Exploring the significance of going beyond surface-level thinking and seeking therapy to uncover deep-rooted thoughts and patterns. Examining the impact of past experiences, such as the influence of diet programs on subconscious food rules. The process of challenging and breaking food rules, such as reintroducing cheese on sandwiches, and learning to trust oneself in relation to food choices and binging behaviours.

[00:37:47] Knowing You Are Enough - we talk about the process of breaking down the ideal self-image and realizing that they are already enough as they are, leading to self-acceptance and confidence.

Meet Kendall: A Natural Athlete with a Love for Life

Kendall, a 34-year-old resident of Saskatchewan, Canada, describes herself as a natural athlete who loves being active and participating in various activities. She's a soon-to-be mom, a wife to her supportive husband, Josh, and a lover of cooking, outdoor activities, and travel.

Kendall's struggles with food and body image began in grade seven when a boy called her fat. This incident marked the beginning of her insecurities and her journey of trying to fit in. Her move to a new town in grade three further complicated her identity crisis, and being called fat only added fuel to her body image struggles.

The Weight Watchers Phase: A Focus on the Scale

Kendall's journey took her through the doors of Weight Watchers, where she relied on processed snacks and low-calorie foods to fit within her allotted points. She was so focused on the number on the scale that she would even resort to a diet coke at night if she ran out of points.

Her weight loss journey was a rollercoaster of emotions. She felt proud when she lost weight and motivated to work harder when she didn't. However, she admits that her obsession with food and weight overshadowed her enjoyment of life, like the time she attended a music festival but spent most of her time worrying about her diet.

The Turning Point: Working with Brittany

Kendall's journey took a turn when she decided to work with me. Despite her initial doubts about ever being free from thoughts about food, Kendall made the decision to invest in herself. This decision was further solidified when her boyfriend, Josh, gifted her a check made out to me, expressing his support for her journey.

Our work together began in May 2020, during the pandemic, providing Kendall with the perfect opportunity to focus on her healing journey.

Nutrition therapy played a crucial role in Kendall's journey towards food freedom. It helped her identify the origin of her food rules and challenge them. She learned to trust herself around food, listen to her body's hunger cues, and stop punishing herself for eating.

Kendall also discovered that she enjoyed foods like cheese on sandwiches, which she had previously convinced herself she didn't like. She realized that scarcity and restriction often led to binging, so she focused on creating a healthier relationship with food.

A New Relationship with Exercise and Body Image

Kendall's journey also transformed her relationship with exercise. She learned to enjoy movement for the sake of enjoyment, rather than as a form of punishment or validation. She transitioned from striving to meet an ideal self-image to accepting and embracing who she truly is.

Kendall learned to detach from others' perceptions and focus on what brings her personal satisfaction. She realized that she is enough just as she is and that happiness is an inside job.

Kendall advises reaching out for help and having conversations about struggles with body image and food. She believes that getting support can expedite the journey of self-discovery. She expresses gratitude for the transformative work she has done and the progress she has made, especially as she navigates pregnancy and postpartum changes.

A Journey of Growth and Gratitude

Kendall and I have come a long way over the past couple of years. She expresses her pride in my growth as a coach and entrepreneur, and I am equally proud of her journey towards food freedom. We both acknowledge that this journey is ongoing and invite you to explore my coaching program for support in your own journeys.

Remember, the journey to food freedom is not a destination but a continuous process of self-discovery and acceptance. And as Kendall's story shows, it's a journey worth embarking on. Start your journey now!

Until next time,


Meet the gal behind the post

Hey! I’m Brittany (but you can call me Britt) and I’m a food-loving Intuitive Eating Registered Dietitian here to free you from diet culture once and for all! Because you deserve peace with food, eating, and your body (yes, you, beautiful)!


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