The Blog

Welcome to the Food Freedom Life blog, your #1 resource to stay up-to-date on how to make health and nutrition a part of your life without them taking over your life. Read more about binge eating, body image, nutrition, and some other tips & tidbits that will help you live an aligned, balanced lifestyle.

Brittany Allison Brittany Allison

How To Get Out Of The Diet-Binge Cycle

Healing from the diet-binge cycle wasn't easy, and I made a lot of mistakes a long the way. Now as an Intuitive Eating Dietitian, I am here to share the 5 key steps I would tell my past self to focus on if I wanted to get out of the diet binge cycle all over again (but much smoother and quicker this time).

In this episode, I talk about:

  • Understanding weight set point and its impact on the body

  • Prioritizing mental health instead of solely focusing on weight loss

  • Surrendering to the healing process and trusting it without expectations

  • Re-establishing healthy eating patterns and addressing physical restriction

  • Challenging limiting beliefs about food, body, and health

  • Normalizing trigger foods and my step-by-step process of food habituation

  • Seeking support in the journey towards food freedom

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Brittany Allison Brittany Allison

Why Do I Binge At Night After Eating Healthy All Day?

In this episode of The Food Freedom Life Podcast, Britt gets into why you eat healthy during the day then lose control at night. No matter how long you've been stuck in this cycle, you're not broken. There are 5 main reasons why you keep doing this again and again (hint: it's not your willpower or your discipline). In this episode, we dive into each reason so you can start to heal and find food freedom for good.

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Brittany Allison Brittany Allison

Digging Deeper Into Comfort and Confidence in Body Image Healing with Jess Fry, LPC

In this episode of the Food Freedom Life podcast, host Brittany Allison and guest Jess Fry delve into the intricacies of body image healing. Jess, a Licensed Professional Counsellor and body image coach, shares her personal journey and the realization of her own body image struggles, which led her to specialize in intuitive eating and body image therapy. They discuss the societal pressures and weight stigma that affect individuals in both larger and smaller bodies, emphasizing the importance of understanding concepts like fatphobia and thin privilege. The conversation also covers the emotional aspects of clothing sizes, the nuanced concept of comfort, and the importance of internal validation for genuine confidence. Jess provides practical advice on curating social media feeds to foster a more positive body image. The episode concludes with resources for listeners seeking body acceptance and confidence.

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Brittany Allison Brittany Allison

The History of Toxic Body Ideals & Strategies for Body Comparison

In this episode of the Food Freedom Life podcast, host Brittany Allison discusses body image, body confidence, and beauty ideals. She shares her personal struggles with dieting and self-acceptance, addressing the harmful effects of comparison and societal beauty standards. Brittany explores the historical roots of these ideals, including their ties to racism and colonization. She advocates for a broader definition of beauty, challenging listeners to appreciate body diversity and find value in their unique appearance, ultimately promoting a healthier and more inclusive perspective on body image.

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Brittany Allison Brittany Allison

Are You A People Pleaser? And Why You Use Food As a Coping Mechanism

In this episode of the Food Freedom Life podcast, host Brittany Allison discusses the link between people pleasing, emotional overeating, and binge eating. She shares her personal journey and explains how being a people pleaser can negatively impact mental and physical health. Brittany highlights the signs of people pleasing and encourages listeners to practice saying no and setting boundaries. She also discusses how people pleasing can affect body image and self-worth. The episode aims to help listeners break the cycle of people pleasing and prioritize their own needs and well-being.

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Brittany Allison Brittany Allison

Shame and Acceptance: Get Out Of The Shame Spiral & Move Towards Healing

The impact of shame on individuals struggling with their relationship with food and body image. The importance of acceptance, gradual changes, and considering the whole person rather than just managing symptoms. The connection between shame, societal expectations, and coping mechanisms like emotional overeating. I provide practical tips for coping with shame triggers and encourages introspection, self-compassion, and healing relationships. The episode offers support and accountability to listeners working towards a healthier relationship with food and self.

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Brittany Allison Brittany Allison

Embracing Joyful Movement: Redefining Exercise Beyond Diet Culture

In this episode of the Food Freedom Life podcast, host and registered dietitian Brittany Allison shares her personal journey with exercise, from an active childhood to a strained relationship with fitness due to societal pressures and an eating disorder. She discusses the importance of self-reflection in understanding one's relationship with exercise and introduces the concept of "joyful movement". Brittany emphasizes the need for a healthy mindset around exercise, focusing on pleasure, fun, and health rather than weight management. She also offers tips on staying motivated, setting realistic goals, and maintaining a balanced relationship with food.

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Brittany Allison Brittany Allison

Client Story: Kendall's Journey From Disordered Eating to Finding Food Freedom & Breaking Generational Patterns

This week's episode features a special guest, my past client Kendall. She shares her journey of overcoming disordered eating body image issues, her identity as "the fit and healthy person" and finding herself through it all. Kendall discusses her experiences with Weight Watchers, and the importance of her decision to work with me in her healing process. She emphasizes the importance of trust, listening to her body's cues, and embracing her true self through her journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance.

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Brittany Allison Brittany Allison

Going Beyond the Food & Smashing The Patriarchy with Stephanie Dodier

In this episode of the Food Freedom Life podcast, host Brittany Allison interviews Stephanie Dodier, a Clinical Nutritionist CNP and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor. She is the host of two top-ranking podcasts in the non-diet industry and creator of the Going Beyond The Food Method™️. She founded Undiet Your Life, a global coaching and online training platform focused on helping women make peace with food and their body so that they can live a fulfilling life… right now! She is also the founder of Undiet Your Coaching Practice, a global professional training platform.

Stephanie shares her personal journey with food and body image, discussing her struggles with dieting and the turning point that led her to embrace intuitive eating. They explore the concept of going beyond food and the importance of addressing underlying emotional and thought patterns. They also discuss the role of patriarchy and systemic oppression in diet culture and the power of mindset work in creating a fulfilling life.

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Brittany Allison Brittany Allison

Healing Your Inner Child to Find Freedom From Bingeing & Restriction [Emily's Client Story]

In this podcast episode, host Brittany Allison interviews her past client Emily about her experiences with disordered eating, celiac disease, and her healing journey with food and body image. They discuss Emily's travels, her current work as a data engineer, and the importance of stability and career growth. Emily shares her struggles with disordered eating, the impact of family dynamics and undiagnosed ADHD, and how she coped with control issues through food.

She also discusses her process of healing, reconnecting with her inner child, and embracing natural fluctuations in hunger levels. Tune in for advice on dealing with body image struggles and the importance of healing your inner child, creativity and self-acceptance.

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Brittany Allison Brittany Allison

Are You A Rebellious Eater?

In this podcast episode, Britt discusses the difference between ditching diets and restriction and truly healing from them. She highlights the importance of working in sync with your mind instead of being at war with it and forming a community around healing and empowering oneself. She also provides three tips for overcoming rebellious eating and achieving true healing, including examining food rules, recognizing intuitive eating as a long-term approach, and tuning into how your body feels.

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Brittany Allison Brittany Allison

Food Habituation: How to Feel At Peace With Food

Restricting ourselves from certain foods can intensify our desire for them. Let's challenge the idea of forbidden foods and gradually reintroduce them into our lives. It's time to break free from the cycle of restriction and embrace abundance! In this podcast episode, Britt discusses the concept of food habituation and how it can help individuals develop a healthier relationship with food. She emphasizes the importance of making peace with food and giving oneself unconditional permission to eat. Brittany explains that food habituation involves exposing oneself to previously off-limits foods in order to reduce their power and normalize them in one's life. She shares personal experiences and offers tips on how to let go of restrictions, develop self-compassion, and incorporate a variety of foods into one's diet.

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Brittany Allison Brittany Allison

Overcoming Obsessive Thoughts About Food & Weight

Have you ever felt mentally exhausted from constantly thinking about food and comparing yourself to others? How do these thoughts impact your daily life? I share my personal experiences with binge eating and discuss how to overcome obsessive and intrusive thoughts about food and weight. It’s mentally exhausting and can make you feel stuck to be in this place- so let’s question these thoughts and judgments so you can have more moments of quiet and peace, and work to not give them so much meaning.

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Brittany Allison Brittany Allison

Can You Be Addicted to Food? Sugar?

Have you ever wondered if you’re addicted to sugar? Or any other type of food? Britt breaks down the science of food addiction, why you can feel addicted to food but not be addicted to food, problems with the research on food addiction, the Yale Food Addiction Scale, and why your history with restriction and dieting make a big difference in how you approach foods that are highly palatable.

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Brittany Allison Brittany Allison

Self Acceptance, Confidence & Chronic Illness with Hannah B.

On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your confidence?

If self worth and confidence are things you struggle with, Hannah B. is here on The Food Freedom Life Podcast to help.

In this interview episode, I teamed up with Hannah B. (@healthybyhannahb) to discuss her journey with chronic illness, how it created a catalyst for her self acceptance and confidence journey, and how it can light a fire in your journey as well.

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Brittany Allison Brittany Allison

What actually happens when you start to heal your relationship with food

How long have you had a dysfunctional relationship with food? 5, 10, 15, 30+ years? When you have been ‘in it’ for so long, it can feel impossible to imagine a life without stress, anxiety, and battle with food. If you think about the journey required to actually get there, damn. That can feel like a mountain that’s a constant uphill battle to climb.

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Brittany Allison Brittany Allison

Do I Really Have A Problem With Food? 9 Questions To Ask

Have you ever wondered if you have a problem with food? If so, it’s time to get clear.

We're gonna get into how to know what's going on in your relationship with food- perhaps you know something is off, you know something is not right. But you're not really sure.

The first step towards navigating this journey to food freedom and body confidence and feeling incredible in your own skin is to understand where you're at.

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Brittany Allison Brittany Allison

My Eating Disorder Story

After a heart wrenching 3-month break up, Adrian and I sat on the love seat in my tiny downtown Toronto apartment that would eventually become our home together. All he wanted to know was what was going on with me; during the last 3 months of Summer 2016, I had acted completely out of character. After almost 6 years of hiding (we had been dating for 3 of those years), I finally mustered up the courage to say, “I have an eating disorder. I’m bulimic.”

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Podcast Brittany Allison Podcast Brittany Allison

Introducing: The Food Freedom Life Podcast

Welcome to The Food Freedom Life Podcast, where we’ll chat about everything food, body image, and emotional healing. If you want eating, movement, and health to be a part of your life, without taking up your whole life, you’re in the right place.

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